====== List of functions ====== \\ ===== Number functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:abs|Abs]]|Returns the absolute value of a number which is the distance of a number on the number line, from 0, without considering which direction the number lies | |[[syntax:functions:acos|ACos]]|Returns the arccosine - the angle, in radians, of the specified cosine. | |[[syntax:functions:arctan|ArcTan]]|Returns the angle, in radians, whose tangent is the quotient of the arguments. | |[[syntax:functions:asin|ASin]]|Returns the arcsine - the angle, in radians, of the specified sine. | |[[syntax:functions:atan|ATan]]|Returns the arctangent - the angle, in radians, of the specified tangent. | |[[syntax:functions:ceiling|Ceiling]]|Rounds the specified number up to the nearest integer - or full, non-fractional number - towards positive infinity. | |[[syntax:functions:cos|Cos]]|Returns the cosine of the angle specified in radians. | |[[syntax:functions:div|Div]]|Returns the quotient of the two number arguments. | |[[syntax:functions:exp|Exp]]|Raises the mathematical constant //e// to the power of the specified argument. | |[[syntax:functions:floor|Floor]]|Rounds the specified number down to the nearest integer - or full, non-fractional number - towards negative infinity. | |[[syntax:functions:iseven|IsEven]]|Tests if the specified number is even and returns Boolean TRUE if so, or FALSE if not. | |[[syntax:functions:isodd|IsOdd]]|Tests if the specified number is odd and returns Boolean TRUE if so, or FALSE if not. | |[[syntax:functions:log|Log]]|Returns the natural logarithm of the specified number. | |[[syntax:functions:max|Max]]|Returns the largest of the two arguments. | |[[syntax:functions:min|Min]]|Returns the smallest of the two arguments. | |[[syntax:functions:mround|MRound]]|Rounds the specified number to the specified multiple. | |[[syntax:functions:pi|Pi]]|Returns the value of Pi (π): 3.1415926535897932384626433833… | |[[syntax:functions:pow|Pow]]|Raises a number to the power of the specified power. | |[[syntax:functions:randbetween|RandBetween]]|Generates a random integer between two numbers. | |[[syntax:functions:random|Random]]|Generates a random number between 0 and 1. | |[[syntax:functions:rem|Rem]]|Returns the remainder of the quotient of the two specified numbers. | |[[syntax:functions:round|Round]]|Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal digits. | |[[syntax:functions:roundxl|RoundXL]]|Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal digits using the Excel rounding logic. | |[[syntax:functions:sign|Sign]]|Determines whether the specified number is positive, negative, or zero. If positive the value 1 is returned. If negative, the value -1 is returned. If 0, then 0 is returned. | |[[syntax:functions:sin|Sin]]|Returns the sine of the angle specified in radians. | |[[syntax:functions:sqrt|Sqrt]]|Returns the square root of the specified number. | |[[syntax:functions:square|Square]]|Returns the square of the specified number. | |[[syntax:functions:tan|Tan]]|Returns the tangent of the angle specified in radians. | |[[syntax:functions:truncate|Truncate]]|Returns the integer part of the specified number. | \\ ===== Text functions ===== Note that all text functions that return a text value automatically convert their arguments into text. ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:char|Char]]|Returns the ASCII character associated with the specified character code. | |[[syntax:functions:code|Code]]|Returns the UTF-8 code (from 0 to 2047) of the first character of the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:compact|Compact]]|Removes repeating whitespace from the specified text, reducing it to a single space. | |[[syntax:functions:contains|Contains]]|Determines whether text contains the specified search string. | |[[syntax:functions:distance|Distance]]|This function returns the edit distance between the two specified text strings calculated as the Damerau-Levenshtein distance. | |[[syntax:functions:endswith|EndsWith]]|A search function used to check if a string ends with a specific text value . | |[[syntax:functions:find|Find]]|Finds the exact position of a specified string within the specified text and returns the position of the first character. | |[[syntax:functions:isregexmatch|IsRegExMatch]]|Determines if the specified text matches a regular expression ("RegEx") pattern. | |[[syntax:functions:keepafter|KeepAfter]]|Returns the characters after the first occurrence of a string in the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:keepbefore|KeepBefore]]|Returns the characters before the first occurrence of a string in the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:keepbetween|KeepBetween]]|Returns the characters between the first occurrence of a string and the first occurrence of a second string in the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:keepchars|KeepChars]]|Keeps only the characters given in a string list and removes the others from the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:left|Left]]|Returns the specified number of characters from the left of the specified text as a text value. | |[[syntax:functions:len|Len]]|Returns the number of characters (length) in the specified text value. | |[[syntax:functions:linebreak|LineBreak]]|Returns the line break character (in Windows). | |[[syntax:functions:lower|Lower]]|Returns the specified text converted to lowercase letters. | |[[syntax:functions:mid|Mid]]|Returns a substring of text from the specified text, a given number of characters long, and starting with the character at a given staring position. | |[[syntax:functions:mirror|Mirror]]|Returns a string with the reverse order of characters as the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:padstart|PadStart]]|Pads the beginning of a text string with a specified string up to a total length. | |[[syntax:functions:padend|PadEnd]]|Pads the end of a text string with a specified string up to a total length defined. | |[[syntax:functions:parsefloat|ParseFloat]]|Parses a number in scientific notation (specified as a text value) into a decimal number. | |[[syntax:functions:proper|Proper]]|Converts the specified text to the proper case (or "title case"). | |[[syntax:functions:quote|Quote]]|Returns a single quote character ('). | |[[syntax:functions:regexmatch|RegExMatch]]|Returns the first substring that matches the specified regular expression pattern. | |[[syntax:functions:regexreplace|RegExReplace]]|Replaces the first substring within the given text that matches the specified regular expression pattern (regex_text) with the given replacement string. | |[[syntax:functions:remove|Remove]]|Removes a substring from the specified text, a given number of characters long, and starting with the character at a given staring position. | |[[syntax:functions:removechars|RemoveChars]]|Removes individual characters from the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:removeend|RemoveEnd]]|Returns text excluding the last specified number of characters, including spaces and non-printing characters. | |[[syntax:functions:removestart|RemoveStart]]|Returns text excluding the first specified number of characters, including spaces. | |[[syntax:functions:removetext|RemoveText]]|Removes all instances of the specified string from text. | |[[syntax:functions:replace|Replace]]|Replaces all instances of a specified string with a second specified string within text. | |[[syntax:functions:replacebetween|ReplaceBetween]]|Replaces text between two specified strings. | |[[syntax:functions:right|Right]]|Returns the specified number of characters from the right of a string as a text value.| |[[syntax:functions:sanitize|Sanitize]]|Replaces tabs and line breaks with spaces and removes hidden system characters with ASCII codes 0 to 31 in the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:setcontainsall|SetContainsAll]]|Returns TRUE if a list contains all of the distinct values from a second list. | |[[syntax:functions:setcontainsany|SetContainsAny]]|Returns TRUE if a list contains at least one value from a second list. | |[[syntax:functions:setdifference|SetDifference]]|Removes values in one list, from another, with deduplication. | |[[syntax:functions:setintersection|SetIntersection]]|Returns a deduplicated list of values that exist in two lists. | |[[syntax:functions:setlength|SetLength]]|Returns the number of distinct values in a list. | |[[syntax:functions:setsort|SetSort]]|Returns the distinct values of a list, sorted in ascending order | |[[syntax:functions:setunion|SetUnion]]|Returns a deduplicated list from two source lists. | |[[syntax:functions:startswith|StartsWith]]|A search function used to check if a string starts with a specific text value. | |[[syntax:functions:strip|Strip]]|Removes the first and the last characters from the specified text value. | |[[syntax:functions:substringcount|SubstringCount]]|Returns the number of instances of a string found within the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:trim|Trim]]|Trims off all leading and trailing spaces, and other non-printing characters, from the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:trimend|TrimEnd]]|Trims off all trailing spaces and other non-printing characters from the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:trimstart|TrimStart]]|Trims off all leading spaces and other non-printing characters from the specified text. | |[[syntax:functions:upper|Upper]]|Returns the specified text converted to uppercase letters. | \\ ===== Logical functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:false|False]]|Creates a Boolean value equal to FALSE. | |[[syntax:functions:if|If]]|Evaluates a condition and returns a specified value if the condition is TRUE, or a second specified value if not. | |[[syntax:functions:ifempty|IfEmpty]]|Returns the result of a second expression if the result of the first expression is empty. Otherwise, it returns the result of the first expression. | |[[syntax:functions:iferror|IfError]]|Returns the result of a second expression if the result of the first expression is an error. Otherwise, it returns the result of the first expression. | |[[syntax:functions:in|In]]|Returns Boolean TRUE if the specified text is found within any of the values listed in a given string list. | |[[syntax:functions:isboolean|IsBoolean]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is a Boolean (either TRUE or FALSE). | |[[syntax:functions:isempty|IsEmpty]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is an empty value. | |[[syntax:functions:iserror|IsError]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is an error. | |[[syntax:functions:isinteger|IsInteger]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is an integer number. | |[[syntax:functions:isnumber|IsNumber]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is a number. | |[[syntax:functions:isnumeric|IsNumeric]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is a number or text that looks like a number. | |[[syntax:functions:istext|IsText]]|Returns TRUE if the result of a given expression is text. | |[[syntax:functions:true|True]]|Creates a Boolean value equal to TRUE. | |[[syntax:functions:when|When]]|Returns the result of a given expression if a specified condition is TRUE. Otherwise, it returns empty value. | \\ ===== Date/time functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:addhours|AddHours]]|Adds the specified number of hours to the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:addmonths|AddMonths]]|Adds the specified number of months to the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:addyears|AddYears]]|Adds specified number of years to the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:age|Age]]|Returns the number of full years between the two given dates. | |[[syntax:functions:agemonths|AgeMonths]]|Returns the number of full months between the two given dates. | |[[syntax:functions:date|Date]]|Converts the given date-time, as text, into a date-time value represented as a number (date-time serial value) according to the specified format string. | |[[syntax:functions:day|Day]]|Returns the number of the corresponding day of the month, from 1 through 31, from the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:detectformat|DetectFormat]]|Detects the date/time format of the text date (or timestamp). | |[[syntax:functions:format|Format]]|Converts the given data-time, as a date serial value, into a date-time text value formatted according to the specified format. | |[[syntax:functions:fromunixtime|FromUnixTime]]|Converts the specified Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since Jan 1st, 1970) to the numeric date-time serial value used in EasyMorph (and Excel). | |[[syntax:functions:isoweeknumber|ISOWeekNumber]]|Returns the ISO week number which ranges from 1 to 53 from the specified date. | |[[syntax:functions:istextdate|IsTextDate]]|Determines if the entered term is a recognizable text date. | |[[syntax:functions:isweekend|IsWeekend]]|Returns TRUE if the given date falls on a weekend day (Saturday or Sunday). | |[[syntax:functions:localtime|LocalTime]]|Converts a given UTC date-time into a local date-time. | |[[syntax:functions:makedate|MakeDate]]|Returns a date serial number based on the specified year, month, and day numeric values. | |[[syntax:functions:month|Month]]|Returns the corresponding month number, 1 through 12, from the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:monthend|MonthEnd]]|Returns the date serial number of the last day of the month the specified date falls in. | |[[syntax:functions:monthname|MonthName]]|Returns the abbreviated (3-letter) name of the month corresponding to the given month number, from 1 to 12. | |[[syntax:functions:monthnamelocal|MonthNameLocal]]|Returns the abbreviated (3-letter) name of the month corresponding to the given month number, from 1 to 12, according to the current regional locale. | |[[syntax:functions:monthstart|MonthStart]]|Returns the date serial number of the first day of the month the specified date falls in. | |[[syntax:functions:now|Now]]|Returns the current date-time as a date serial number. | |[[syntax:functions:today|Today]]|Returns today's date as a date serial number. | |[[syntax:functions:tounixtime|ToUnixTime]]|Converts the specified EasyMorph (and Excel) date-time serial value to a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since Jan 1st, 1970). | |[[syntax:functions:utctime|UTCTime]]|Converts the given local date-time value into a UTC date-time value. | |[[syntax:functions:weekday|Weekday]]|Returns the corresponding day-of-the-week number, from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday), from the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:weekdayname|WeekdayName]]|Returns the abbreviated name of the day the given date falls on. | |[[syntax:functions:weekend|WeekEnd]]|Returns the date serial number of the last day (Saturday) of the week the specified date falls in. | |[[syntax:functions:weekstart|WeekStart]]|Returns the date serial number of the first day (Sunday) of the week the specified date falls in. | |[[syntax:functions:workdays|Workdays]]|Returns the number of workdays (i.e. all days except Saturday and Sunday) between two specified dates. | |[[syntax:functions:year|Year]]|Returns the year, as a four-digit number, from the given date. | |[[syntax:functions:yearday|YearDay]]|Returns the number of days since Jan 1st of the date's year. | \\ ===== Financial functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:fv|FV]]|Calculates the future value of a loan or an investment, based on a constant interest rate. | |[[syntax:functions:ipmt|IPmt]]|Calculates the payment on the interest for an investment over a given period. | |[[syntax:functions:nper|NPer]]|Calculates the number of periods for an investment based on periodic payments and interest rate. | |[[syntax:functions:pmt|Pmt]]|Calculates the periodic payment of an annuity. | |[[syntax:functions:ppmt|PPmt]]|Calculates the payment on the principal for an investment over a given period. | |[[syntax:functions:pv|PV]]|Calculates the present value of a loan or an investment, based on a constant interest rate. | |[[syntax:functions:rate|Rate]]|Calculates the interest rate per period of an annuity. | \\ ===== File functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:combinepath|CombinePath]]|Combines two given paths into one, intelligently dealing with backslashes and relative paths. | |[[syntax:functions:directory|Directory]]|Extracts the directory path from a specified full file path, excluding the file name. | |[[syntax:functions:filename|Filename]]|Extracts the filename (without extension) from a given full file path. | |[[syntax:functions:fileextension|FileExtension]]|Extracts the file extension (with dot) from a given full file path. | |[[syntax:functions:ispathrooted|IsPathRooted]]|Detects if the specified path to a file or folder contains a root. | \\ ===== Web functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:combineurl|CombineURL]]|Combines a specified URL and URL path into one URL. | |[[syntax:functions:decode|Decode]]|Decodes a given text string using one of several decoding methods. | |[[syntax:functions:encode|Encode]]|Encodes a given text string using one of several encoding methods. | |[[syntax:functions:hexdecode|HexDecode]]|Converts the provided hex string into a text value using one of several decoding methods. | |[[syntax:functions:hexencode|HexEncode]]|Converts the provided text value into a hex string using one of several encoding methods. | |[[syntax:functions:hashhex|HashHex]]|Calculates the hexadecimal hash of the given text value using one of several algorithms. | |[[syntax:functions:hmachex|HMACHex]]|Calculates a keyed hexadecimal hash of the given text value using one several algorithms. | |[[syntax:functions:isemail|IsEmail]]|Determines if the given email address string is a properly formatted email address, returning TRUE if so, or FALSE if not. | |[[syntax:functions:isjson|IsJSON]]|Returns TRUE if the specified argument can be parsed as a JSON object or JSON array. | |[[syntax:functions:isxml|IsXML]]|Returns TRUE if the given text is an XML object. | |[[syntax:functions:jsonvalue|JSONValue]]|Extracts a single value or a JSON object/array from the specified node. | |[[syntax:functions:uridecode|URIDecode]]|Decodes a given URL string such as an entire URL or just query-string values. | |[[syntax:functions:uriencode|URIEncode]]|Encodes a given URL string such as an entire URL or just query-string values. | |[[syntax:functions:xmlvalue|XMLValue]]|Extracts a single value or an XML node from a specified node. | \\ ===== Special functions ===== ^Function^Description ^ |[[syntax:functions:asnumber|AsNumber]]|Converts the given expression to a number. | |[[syntax:functions:astext|AsText]]|Converts the given value to text. | |[[syntax:functions:coalesce|Coalesce]]|Returns the first value in the given argument list that is not an empty value. | |[[syntax:functions:columnexists|ColumnExists]]|Tests whether a specified column name exists in the input dataset. | |[[syntax:functions:empty|Empty]]|Creates an empty value. | |[[syntax:functions:eval|Eval]]|Evaluates the given text expression as an EasyMorph expression. | |[[syntax:functions:error|Error]]|Creates an error value with the specified error text. | |[[syntax:functions:guid|GUID]]|Creates a GUID, similar to the "Generate GUIDs" action. | |[[syntax:functions:hash|Hash]]|Calculates a 128-bit hash in Base64 encoding from the specified value. | |[[syntax:functions:match|Match]]|Returns the position index of a given value in a list of specified values, separated by delimiter. | |[[syntax:functions:metadata|Metadata]]|Returns project metadata - specific details about the project. | |[[syntax:functions:pick|Pick]]|Returns the value in the specified index position within a given text list, a list of text values separated by delimiter. | |[[syntax:functions:system|System]]|Returns the system value specified by the given keyword argument. | \\ :?: If you need a function that is not currently available in EasyMorph please feel free to make a feature request on the [[https://community.easymorph.com|Community forum]].