====== Weekday(date) ====== Category: Date and Time function \\ =====Description===== This function returns the corresponding day-of-the-week number, from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday), from //date//. \\ =====Arguments===== ^Argument^Type^Description^ |date|Date or Number (date serial)|An expression representing a date. The date value to derive the weekday number from.| **Return value type:** Number \\ =====Remarks===== The //date// argument can take any value or expression that evaluates to a date serial value. Examples include: * A date string: #2019-12-12 * A date serial value: 43811 (the date serial for "2019-12-12") * A date value created using any of the Date/Time functions that returns a date serial value. \\ =====Examples===== weekday(42097) //Returns 6 (42097 is equivalent to Friday, 2015-04-03.) weekday(35640) //Returns 3 (35640 is equivalent to Tuesday, 1997-07-29.) weekday(#2014-01-01) //Returns 4 (Wednesday) \\ =====See also===== * [[syntax:functions:day|Day(date)]] * [[syntax:functions:makedate|MakeDate(year, month, day)]] * [[syntax:functions:month|Month(date)]] * [[syntax:functions:weekdayname|WeekdayName(date)]] * [[syntax:functions:year|Year(date)]]