Table of Contents


Category: Export / File, Export / App & Cloud


This action exports the current table into a Tableau Hyper or Data Extract (.tde) file, or publishes to Tableau Server/Tableau Online.

Action settings

Setting Description
Export toSelect whether to export to a local file or to Tableau Server or Tableau Online. See the following tables for
more details.
Indicate column typesExplicitly define the data type for each column - number, text, or date. If EasyMoprh can't convert a cell value
to a specified format, it will leave the cell empty (null).

Export to Hyper or TDE file options

Option Description
Hyper/TDE file* The fully-qualified file name of the output Hyper or TDE file (includes relative or absolute path).
File already existsIf a file with the same name already exists, choose whether to overwrite the existing file, rename the
existing file, or halt the action's execution. See the following table for details.
File already exists options
OverwriteThe new file replaces the original file.
RenameThe original file will be renamed with "backup" and a serial number appended to the file name. The new file will
possess the name specified in the Hyper/TDE file setting.
Halt project executionThe project will stop processing and this action will display a warning symbol.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Export to Tableau Server/Tableau Online options

Option Description
Connector* Select the pre-created connector, or create a new connector, to the Tableau Server/Tableau Online to export to.
Project* Select the Tableau Server/Online project to publish to. The project name can be selected from a list, entered manually, or specified using a parameter.
Data source* Select the data source to replace or enter the name of a new data source. The data source name can be selected from a list, entered manually, or specified using a parameter.
About (optional)+ Enter the data source description that will appear in Tableau Server / Online. This setting is optional.
Data source already exists options
Overwrite The contents of the data source will be replaced with the new dataset.
Append The new dataset will be appended to the existing data source.
Halt project executionThe project will stop processing and this action will display an error symbol.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.
+ Setting can be specified using an expression.


When exporting to Tableau Server / Online, use the "About" field to store data source metadata such as the author. Note that appending data to an existing data source doesn't change its "About" property.

Boolean values are converted to numbers - 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE.

Errors and empty cells are replaced with nulls.

Numbers in EasyMorph are converted into floating-point values in Tableau which may potentially lead to a loss of precision as numbers in EasyMorph allow more digits after the decimal point.

See also