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Category: Import / File


This action imports a dataset from a .sas7bdat file. Column names can optionally be replaced with column labels (where available).

Action settings

Settings Description
Load file* Fully-qualified file name of the dataset (includes relative or absolute path).
Use column labels instead of names (where possible) For fields that have column labels assigned, use the labels instead of the names for column headers in the imported dataset.
Load all columnsThis option imports all columns in the SAS file.
Load only selected columnsThis option allows you to select which columns to import. A list of columns found in the file will be
presented for you to select.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.


This action is using an unofficial, open-source library therefore full compatibility is not guaranteed.

This action can import multiple files. See Importing Multiple Files for more information.


Fast ways to create the action: