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Here is list of operators that can be used in expressions in EasyMorph.

Operator Description Result
+ Addition Number
- Subtraction Number
* Multiplication Number
/ Division Number
& Text concatenation Text
> Greater than Boolean
>= Greater than or equal Boolean
< Less than Boolean
<= Less than or equal Boolean
= Equal Boolean
!= Not equal Boolean
and Logical AND Boolean
or Logical OR Boolean
not Logical NOT Boolean

Examples of operators in expressions:

1 + 2
(10 + 5 ) * 3
'Easy' & 'Morph'
[Amount] > 1000
([Amount] > 1000 and [Quantity] > 1) or [Quantity]>10
syntax/operators.1422738459.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/31 16:07 by dmitry

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