======AMAZON S3 CONNECTOR====== \\ =====Description===== Specifies the parameters required to connect to an Amazon S3 account. **Name:** Provide a name for the Amazon S3 connector.\\ **Note:** Provide any notes regarding the connector (optional).\\ **Documentation…** Will allow you to enter a URL and Label for connector information. (optional)\\ \\ =====Connector settings===== ====Connection settings==== ^Setting^Description^ |Access key ID| Enter the Access key ID for the account.| |Secret access key| Enter the Secret access key for the account.| |Delete incomplete multipart\\ uploads older than 7 days|Check this //on// to remove uploads that were not successfully completed and are past 7 days old.| |Region|Select your region from the list, or select //Always autodetect// to determine the best region to connect to.| |Default bucket|Enter the name of the default bucket.| \\ ====Advanced settings==== ^Setting^Description^ |Requester pays the cost of requests to buckets|Check this //on// to add the "x-amz-request-payer: RequestPayer" header to every request the [[transformations:amazoncommand|Amazon command]] action executes (except for requests where that header is not supported).| |Use session token|Check this //on// to use a session token and enter the token text in the field that appears.| \\ ====Proxy settings==== ^Setting^Description^ |Use proxy|Check this //on// to use a proxy to connect through. Enter the //Proxy host//, select the //Proxy port//, and enter the\\ //Login// and //Password// for the proxy.| \\ Once the values above are populated, click the //Test// button to confirm the connector is functioning properly. \\ \\ \\ =====Required permissions===== Required permissions depend on the commands you are planning to use. Below is the list of the required permissions for specific actions: ^Permission^Command^ |s3:ListAllMyBuckets|List all the available buckets; | |s3:ListBucket|List file, list folders, download folder; | |s3:GetObject|Download file, download folder; | |s3:PutObject|Upload file, upload folder, create folder; | |s3:DeleteObject|Delete file, delete folder; | |s3:GetBucketLocation|For the bucket region autodetection to work (as an alternative, you can specify the region manually in the connector settings); | |s3:AbortMultipartUpload and\\ s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads|For the "Delete incomplete multipart uploads feature" to work. |