====== AddYears(date, add_years) ====== Category: Date and Time function \\ =====Description===== This function adds //add_years// number of years to //date//. If //add_years// is negative, the years are subtracted. \\ =====Arguments===== ^Argument^Type^Description^ |date|Date or Number (date serial)|A expression representing a date. The date to add years to.| |add_years |Number |The number of years to be added to //date//, or subtracted if negative.| **Return value type:** Number (date serial value). \\ =====Remarks===== The //date// argument can take any value or expression that evaluates to a date serial value, with or without a time portion. Examples include: * A date string: #2019-12-12 * A date serial value: 43811 (the date serial for "2019-12-12") * A date value created using any of the Date/Time functions that returns a date serial value. \\ =====Examples===== addyears(#2019-12-12, 2) //Returns 44542 (Equivalent to 2021-Dec-12.) addyears(43811, 5) //Returns 45683 (Equivalent to 2024-Dec-12.) addyears(#2019-12-12, -2) //Returns 43081 (Equivalent to 2017-Dec-12; subtract years.) \\ ===== See also ===== * [[syntax:functions:addhours|AddHours(date, add_hours)]] * [[syntax:functions:addmonths|AddMonths(date, add_months)]] * [[https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4(v=vs.110).aspx|MSDN: Custom Date and Time Format Strings]]