====== FromUnixTime(unix_time) ====== Category: Date and Time function \\ =====Description===== This function converts a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since Jan 1st, 1970) to the numeric date-time serial value used in EasyMorph (and Excel). \\ =====Arguments===== ^Argument^Type^Description^ |unix_time|Number |A Unix timestamp value. Typically, Unix timestamps have 9-10 digits. | **Return value type:** Number (date-time serial value). \\ =====Examples===== fromunixtime( 1095379200 ) //Returns 38247 (Corresponds to 2004-Sept-17.) fromunixtime( 1630126722 ) //Returns 44436.2074305556 (Corresponds to 2021-Aug-28 04:58:42.) \\ ===== See also ===== * [[syntax:functions:tounixtime|ToUnixTime(date)]]