====== IfError(expression1, expression2) ====== Category: Logical function \\ =====Description===== This function returns the result of //expression2// if the result of //expression1// is an error. Otherwise, it returns the result of //expression1//. \\ =====Use cases===== This function can be used as an error handler in cases where an expression could potentially return an error. In such a case, the return value from //expression2// acts as a "safety net" so the process can continue. \\ =====Arguments===== ^Argument^Type^Description^ |expression1|Expression|Any expression that could potentially result in an error.| |expression2|Expression|Any expression.| **Return value type:** Any (The data type of the return value of //expression1// or //expression2//.) \\ =====Remarks===== If both //expression1// and //expression2// return errors, the error message from //expression2// is returned. \\ =====Examples===== iferror( 1/0, 'Inifity' ) //Returns 'Infinity' iferror( 1+0, 'Infinity' ) //Returns 1 iferror( 1/0, sqrt('the') ) //Returns '#The argument must be a positive number' (the error from expression2) \\ ===== See also ===== * [[syntax:functions:ifempty|IfEmpty(expression1, expression2)]] * [[syntax:functions:iserror|IsError(expression)]]