====== IsBoolean(expression) ====== Category: Logical function \\ =====Description===== This function returns TRUE if the result of //expression// is a Boolean (either TRUE or FALSE). Otherwise, it returns FALSE. \\ =====Arguments===== ^Argument^Type^Description^ |expression|Expression|Any expression that could potentially result a Boolean value.| **Return value type:** Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) \\ =====Examples===== isboolean( [FieldA] = 200 ) //Returns TRUE if [FieldA] is 200 isboolean( [FieldA] - 199 ) //Returns FALSE (Expression is a calculation. The result would be a numeric value.) \\ ===== See also ===== * [[syntax:functions:isempty|IsEmpty(expression)]] * [[syntax:functions:iserror|IsError(expression)]] * [[syntax:functions:isinteger|IsInteger(expression)]] * [[syntax:functions:isnumber|IsNumber(expression)]] * [[syntax:functions:isnumeric|IsNumeric(expression)]] * [[syntax:functions:istext|IsText(expression)]]