====== NPer(rate, payment, curr_val) ====== Category: Number (Financial) function \\ =====Description===== This function calculates the number of periods for an investment based on periodic payments and interest rate. \\ =====Additional syntax===== Optional //future value// (fut_val) argument. nper(rate, payment, curr_val, fut_val) \\ Optional //payments due// (pay_due) argument. nper(rate, payment, curr_val, fut_val, pay_due) \\ =====Arguments===== ^Argument^Type^Description^ |rate|Number (decimal)|The interest rate of the loan (entered as a decimal).| |payment|Number (negative)|The payment made each period (that does not change), entered as a negative value. Includes principal\\ and interest, but no fees or taxes.| |curr_val|Number|The current value of the annuity.| |fut_val|Number|Optional. The future value, or cash balance, to be achieved after the last payment (i.e., "0" to pay the loan\\ off in full). The default, if not supplied, is //0//.| |pay_due|Binary (0 or 1)|Optional. This value defines when payments are due. Options: //0// (the beginning of the period; default),\\ or //1// (the end of the period).| \\ **Return value type:** Number \\ =====Remarks===== For an accurate calculation, be sure to convert //rate// to the time period desired. If calculating a monthly rate and //rate// is given as years, divide by 12 (//rate// / 12). \\ =====Examples===== ** Calculate the number of monthly periods:** Interest rate is 12% (annual), payment is $100 per month, current value is -$500, final value is $12,000. nper( (0.12/12), -100, -500, 12000) //Returns 74.34 (months, rounded) \\ ** Calculate the number of monthly periods:** Interest rate is 2% (monthly), payment is $250 per month, current value is $0, final value is $20,000, payments due at the end of the period. nper(0.02, -250, 0, 20000,1) //Returns 47.64 (months, rounded) \\ ** Calculate the number of yearly periods:** Interest rate is 12%, payment $7200 per year, current value is $27,000, final value is 0 (paid off). nper(0.12, -7200, 27000, 0) //Returns 5.28 (years, rounded) \\ ===== See also ===== * [[syntax:functions:fv|FV(rate, num_per, payment)]] * [[syntax:functions:ipmt|IPmt(rate, per, num_per, curr_val)]] * [[syntax:functions:pmt|Pmt(rate, num_per, curr_val)]] * [[syntax:functions:ppmt|PPmt(rate, num_per, curr_val)]] * [[syntax:functions:pv|PV(rate, num_per, payment)]] * [[syntax:functions:rate|Rate(num_per, payment, curr_val)]]