{{ transformations:CreateBucketsAction.png}}
====== CREATE BUCKETS ======
Category: Transform / Advanced\\
Creates numerical ranges of fixed width and assigns each row to one of the ranges based on values in the specified column.\\
=====Use cases=====
The action is typically used for grouping number values (such as age or tenure) by intervals of fixed width (e.g. age group). Created group labels can later be used in reports and charts.\\
=====Action settings=====
|Column|Select the column containing the values to create buckets for.|
|Bucket column name|Enter a name for the new column containing the bucket range values.|
|Bottom threshold*|Enter the lowest value to assign to a bucket. Values below this threshold will be assigned to a "less than…" bucket.|
|Bucket width*|Enter the number of values each value range (bucket) will contain.|
|Upper threshold*|Enter the highest value to assign to a bucket. Values above this threshold will be assigned to a "greater than…" bucket.|
|Mode|Options: //Lower boundary inclusive, upper exclusive// or //Lower boundary exclusive, upper inclusive//. See table below.|
|Label style|Select the format the bucket labels will appear in. Options: //0 < X < 10, < 0, > 10//; //0 to 10, less than 0, greater\\ than 10//; or //0 .. 10, < 0, > 10//.|
|Add columns with lower/upper boundaries|When selected, an additional column named //Lower boundary// will be created to hold the lower boundary\\ values of the buckets, and a column named //Upper boundary// will be created to hold the upper boundary values of the buckets.|
|Generate empty rows for empty buckets|When checked, will generate rows for all bucket ranges in which a value did not fall ("unused" buckets).|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
====Mode settings====
|Lower boundary inclusive,\\ upper exclusive|In this mode, values falling //on// the lower boundary will be included in the bucket.|
|Lower boundary exclusive,\\ upper inclusive|In this mode, values falling //on// the upper boundary will be included in the bucket.|
As bucket ranges reuse values for upper and lower boundaries, the //Mode// determines where a value that falls //on// a boundary ends up. For example, a value of "50", with the buckets //40 to 50// and //50 to 60// would fall into the //40 to 50// bucket if the "lower exclusive, upper __inclusive__" mode. If the "lower __inclusive__, upper exclusive" mode is used, it would fall into the //50 to 60// bucket.
Values that fall into the "less than..." range will have no lower boundary value. Values that fall into the "greater than..." range will have no upper boundary value.
This process is also called "binning".\\
**Example:** Generate buckets for a list of age values.
**Table 1:** Age list (sorted for clarity).
^Age ^
| 18|
| 21|
| 33|
| 43|
| 50|
| 55|
| 65|
| 72|
| 80|
| 81|
| 96|
**Action parameters:**
> Column is "Age"
> Bucket column name is "Age Ranges"
> Bottom threshold is "30"
> Bucket width is "10"
> Upper threshold is "80"
> Mode is "lower exclusive, upper inclusive"
> Label style is "0 to 10, less than 0, greater than 10"
> Add columns with lower/upper boundaries is checked.
> Generate empty rows for empty buckets is checked.
**Result table:**
^Age ^Age Ranges ^Lower boundary ^Upper boundary ^
| 18|less than 30 | | 30|
| 21|less than 30 | | 30|
| 33|30 to 40 | 30| 40|
| 43|40 to 50 | 40| 50|
| 50|40 to 50 | 40| 50|
| 55|50 to 60 | 50| 60|
| 65|60 to 70 | 60| 70|
| 72|70 to 80 | 70| 80|
| 80|70 to 80 | 70| 80|
| 81|greater than 80 | 80| |
| 96|greater than 80 | 80| |
Notice that values that fall //on// the upper boundary are included within that range due to the "lower exclusive, upper __inclusive__" setting.
There were no unused buckets, so no extra rows were produced.\\
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:group|Group]]