{{ transformations:CreateListAction.png}} ====== CREATE LIST ====== Category: Create / Generate\\ \\ =====Description===== This action creates a 1-column list of up to 100 manually entered values. If several columns are required, the values can be entered separated by a delimiter (e.g. comma) and then split using the [[transformations:splitdelimitedtext|Split delimited text]] action afterward.\\ \\ =====Use cases===== *This action can be used to keep reference lists in the project without needing to load them from external files. *Using 2-column mode, create static lookup tables to be used in the workflow. *Creating a column with no values allows you to create a blank column to be inserted into datasets where needed. *Create a single-column, single-cell table with a static value to be [[transformations:peek|Peek]]'d into other datasets. \\ =====Action settings===== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Paste list|Paste in a list of values that has been copied to the clipboard from another application. A dialog of paste options will appear\\ when this is selected (see below).| |Copy list|Copy the list of values in this action to the clipboard, to be pasted into another application.| |Clear list|Clear all current values from the list.| |# columns|Select whether to create one or two columns within this action. Options: //1 column// or //2 column//.| |Column name|Enter the name of the column generated (or both columns names if //2 columns// was selected).| |List values|Enter the list of values under each created column. Use the //Add more values// button to insert another blank row into\\ the value list.| \\ ====Paste values options==== ^Option^Description^ |List doesn't have a header|//Check// this if the copied list does not have a header row as the first row.| |Decimal|Select whether decimal places are displayed using a //Point// or //Comma//.| |Replace existing list|Choose this option to clear all current list values and replace them with the pasted values.| |Append to existing list|Choose this option to insert the copied values after the values in the existing list.| \\ =====Remarks===== All entered values are stored in plain text in the project file. //Do not use// the action to store confidential or sensitive information in projects.\\ \\ =====Examples===== ====Example #1==== >Create a static lookup table of survey response values to their corresponding labels. ===After (result table)=== ^Response value ^Label ^ | **1**|**Very poor** | | **2**|**Poor** | | **3**|**Neutral** | | **4**|**Good** | | **5**|**Very good** | ===Action parameters=== >2 columns >Column names: Response value, Label >List values: 1, Very Poor; 2, Poor; 3, Neutral; 4, Good; 5, Very good \\ ====Example #2==== >Create a list of department names. ===After (result table)=== ^Department ^ |**HR** | |**Accounting** | |**Marketing** | |**Sales** | |**Customer Service** | |**Operations** | |**IT** | ===Action parameters=== >Column names: Department >List values: HR, Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Operations, IT. \\ =====Community examples===== * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1221/2|Optional calculations with columns]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/xdMJcC4iCkM1HopeOv5m0VqEuvh.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Source data//; Action position: //1//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1297/3|Use case for Repeat Rows]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/rdUnMPy0VfogVZOnROOoH2JaVUT.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Source data//; Action position: //3//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1551/2|How to look up and replace a string of text]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/dvCtD7gg0AHUtXZ7tmQmuHflSYU.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Table 1//; Action position: //1//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1817/5|Substring Query]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/sUDlB2uHCazeCdBqFSik6tCvu9r.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Table 2//; Action position: //2//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1851/1|Example of using Interval Merge]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/3ROZA38vhs9S7bXLcNKPIjudF61.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Sample data//; Action position: //1//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//2041/6|Join 2 tables with multi criterions equal and not equals in where]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/kNkqMsDYMJjzjiN4C5g8O4g3YlA.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Mvt (2)//;\\ Action position: //2//) \\ =====Shortcuts===== Fast ways to create the action: * Press the "Add data" menu button. Pick "Generate data".