{{ transformations:ExportPowerBiAction.png}}
====== EXPORT TO POWER BI ======
Category: Export / App & Cloud\\
This action appends rows to a push-dataset in the Power BI service. Both personal workspaces and shared workspaces are supported.
Note that there are 3 types of datasets in Power BI:
* Regular datasets (linked to data sources)
* Push-datasets (for data published via the Power BI REST API)
* Streaming datasets
When this action exports a dataset to Power BI, it exports it into a push-dataset. To refresh data in regular datasets, use the [[transformations:powerbicommand|Power BI Command]] action. To update a streaming dataset read [[https://community.easymorph.com/t/how-to-publish-real-time-data-to-streaming-dataset-in-power-bi/2641|How to publish real-time data to streaming dataset in Power BI]]
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*|Select the pre-configured connector, or create a new connector, to the Power BI Service.|
|Workspace |Check to export to a dataset in a shared workspace. Otherwise, data will be exported into a dataset in\\ the personal workspace. |
|Dataset *| Enter or select the name of the dataset to export to. |
|Create dataset if it doesn't exist | When checked, a new dataset will be created. Otherwise, the action will append data to the dataset\\ specified above. |
|Table name * |Select a table name in an existing dataset, or specify a table name for new dataset. |
|If exporting a batch of rows fails|Select how EasyMorph will handle the failed export of rows. Options: //Halt project execution// (processing\\ stops and a warning is displayed on this action) or //Add new column and flag rows that failed// (processing\\ continues, but a new column is added to the source EasyMorph dataset with a flag value indicating which\\ rows failed).|
|Update table column set |Check when appended data contains more columns than the target dataset. This will update the Power BI\\ Service metadata with information about the new columns. |
|Columns | Select the columns to be exported into Power BI dataset, and choose the data type that column will hold. |
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
From a technical standpoint, data is pushed into a Power BI Service dataset via the Power BI REST API. Therefore the [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/developer/automation/api-rest-api-limitations|API limitations]] apply.
To remove rows from an existing Power BI dataset use the "Delete all table rows" command of the [[transformations:powerbicommand|"Power BI Command"]] action.
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:powerbicommand|Power BI Command]]