{{ transformations:ExportQlikViewAction.png}}
Category: Export / File\\
This action exports the current table into a Qlik .qvd file.\\
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|File*| The fully-qualified file name of the output dataset (includes relative or absolute path). |
|Table name*| Enter a name for the table in the output file.|
|File already exists|If a file with the same name already exists, choose whether to overwrite the existing file, rename the\\ existing file, or halt the action's execution. See the "File already exists options" table below for details.|
|Generate LOAD Statement|Once the //File// name has been entered, clicking this button will generate a [[https://help.qlik.com/en-US/qlikview/April2020/Subsystems/Client/Content/QV_QlikView/Scripting/ScriptRegularStatements/Load.htm|Qlik LOAD statement]] that can be copied to the clipboard.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
====File already exists options====
^Option ^Description ^
|Overwrite|The new file replaces the original file.|
|Rename|The original file will be renamed with "backup" and a serial number appended to the file name. The new file will\\ possess the name specified in the //File// setting.|
|Halt project execution|The project will stop processing and this action will display a warning symbol.|
The table name specified in the output QVD file can be specified explicitly, otherwise, the name of the table that contains the action will be used.
Note that [[syntax:types|numbers in EasyMorph]] are converted into floating-point values in QVD files which may potentially lead to a loss of precision as numbers in EasyMorph allow more digits after the decimal point.
The structure of a QVD file is close to the internal data structure in EasyMorph. Therefore, writing QVD files in EasyMorph is very fast.
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:importqlikview|Import from Qlik]]
* [[transformations:qlikcloudcommand|Qlik Cloud command]]
* [[transformations:qliksensecommand|Qlik Sense command]]