{{ transformations:FillRightAction.png}}
====== FILL RIGHT ======
Category: Transform / Advanced\\
This action is similar to the [[transformations:fillgaps|Fill down]] action, only it fills empty cells to the right.\\
=====Use cases=====
The most frequent use case for this action is dealing with merged cells within imported Excel spreadsheets.
=====Action settings=====
^Setting ^Description ^
|Row number*|Enter the row to fill blank cells to the right in.|
|Ignore columns|Select the column(s) where values with //not// be filled across in.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
Blank cells are populated starting from the left and moving rightward across the row. The value from the cell to the left is used to fill in each blank cell.
**Example:** Fill in the blank heading cells from an imported Excel pivottable.
**Source table:**
^Column ^Column(2) ^Column(3) ^Column(4) ^Column(5) ^Column(6) ^Column(7)^
|Canada | | |France | |Spain | |
|Quebec |Montreal |Ontario |Paris |Lyon |Barcelona |Madrid |
**Action parameters:**
> Row number is "1"
> Ignore columns - none are selected
**Result table:**
^Column ^Column(2) ^Column(3) ^Column(4) ^Column(5) ^Column(6) ^Column(7)^
|Canada |Canada |Canada |France |France |Spain |Spain |
|Quebec |Montreal |Ontario |Paris |Lyon |Barcelona |Madrid |
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:fillgaps|Fill down]]