{{ transformations:ImportJiraAction.png}}
====== IMPORT FROM JIRA======
Category: Import / App/Cloud\\
This action imports various project and issue details from a Jira account.\\
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*|Select a configured Jira connector. See [[connectors:jira|Jira connector]] for details.|
|Import action|Select the data to retrieve from Jira. Modes: //List projects//, //List issues//, //List issue statuses//, or //List issue types//.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].
====Mode descriptions====
^ Mode ^ Description ^
|List projects|This mode retrieves a list of projects within this account. This generates a dataset that includes the columns "Name",\\ "Key", "Description", "Project Type Key", "Lead Name", "Is Private", "Total issues in project", and "Id".|
|List issues|This mode retrieves a list of issues within this account, across all projects. This generates a dataset that includes\\ the columns "Key", "Summary", "Description", "Status", "Due date", "Project Key", and "Issue type". Issues may be\\ related to their parent project by associating the projects' "Key" column with the issues' "Project key" column.|
|List issue statuses|This mode retrieves a list of issue status values within this account, across all projects. This generates a dataset that\\ includes the columns "Id" and "Name".|
|List issue types|This mode retrieves a list of issue type values within this account, across all projects. This generates a dataset that\\ includes the columns "Id" and "Name".|
Fast ways to create the action:
* Press the "Add data" menu button. Pick "Fetch from cloud/application".
=====See also=====
*[[transformations:jiracommand|Jira command]]
*[[connectors:jira|Jira connector]]