{{ transformations:ImportJsonAction.png}}
Category: Import / File\\
Import a JSON object from a text file.\\
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Load file*| Fully-qualified file name of the dataset (includes relative or absolute path). |
|Encoding|ASCII, ANSI (with code page), and other types of encoding. If you're not sure what to choose, try UTF-8 as it's the\\ most common Unicode encoding.|
| Column names | The method used to name columns in the incoming dataset.\\ Options: //Property name//, //Full JSON path//|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].
This action can import multiple files. See [[import:fileimportmodes|Importing Multiple Files]] for more information.\\
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:importxml|Import XML]]
* [[transformations:importplaintext|Import plain text]]
* [[transformations:constructjson|Construct JSON]]
* [[transformations:parsejson|Parse JSON]]