{{ transformations:ImportPipedriveAction.png}}
Category: Import / App/Cloud\\
This action imports data from Pipedrive, such as deals, organizations, or persons. A configured\\ [[connectors:pipedrive|Pipedrive connector]] is required.
===== Action settings =====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*| Select a configured Pipedrive connector.|
|Entity| Select the Pipedrive entity to import data from. Options: //Deals//, //Organizations//, //Persons//, or //Leads//.|
|Import options|Select required import options. Options: //Import all//, //Use filter//, //Import only selected attributes//. See table below for details. |
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
====Import options====
|Import all|Define which record parameters to import. Options: //All non-deleted//, //Open//, //Won//, //Lost//, or //Deleted//.|
|Use filter|When selected, enter a filter to use to constrain the records being imported.|
|Import only selected attributes|When checked, select which attributes to import from the list.|
Fast ways to create the action:
* Press the "Add data" menu button and select "Fetch from cloud/application".
=====See also=====
*[[connectors:pipedrive|Pipedrive connector]]