{{ transformations:ImportPowerBiAction.png}}
Category: Import / App/Cloud\\
This action imports data from a Power BI semantic model.
===== Action settings =====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*| Select a configured [[connectors:powerbi|Microsoft PowerBI connector]].|
|Workspace*|Check this //on// to select the Workspace the semantic model resides in.|
|Semantic Model*|Select the semantic model to import data from.|
|Mode|Choose whether to import data using the simple query mode, or a custom DAX query (and enter the DAX query).\\ Options: //Simple// or //Custom DAX query//.|
|Table name*|Select the name of the table within the semantic model to import data from.|
|Load top rows|Check this //on// to import only a defined number of top rows*, instead of the entire table.|
=====See also=====
* [[connectors:powerbi|Microsoft PowerBI connector]]
*[[transformations:exportpowerbi|Export to Power BI]]
*[[transformations:powerbicommand|Power BI command]]
*[[transformations:importmicrosoftdataverse|Import from Microsoft Dataverse]]
*[[transformations:importodata|Import from OData]]
*[[transformations:importsharepointlist|Import Sharepoint list]]