{{ transformations:ModifyJsonAction.png}}
======MODIFY JSON======
Category: Transform / Web \\
This action modifies aspects of a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON|JSON]] object. Commands this action can run are:
* Change property value
* Add property
* Delete property
* Rename property
* Reformat JSON
=====Action settings=====
^Setting ^Description ^
|Column|Select the column that contains the JSON to be modified.|
|Command|Select the modification to run on the selected JSON. Options: //Change property value//, //Add property//, //Delete property//, //Rename property//, or //Format JSON//. See below for the details of each command.|
|If the node doesn't exist|Chose how EasyMorph will handle cases when the selected node doesn't exist in the dataset. Options: //Fail// (the workflow halts execution with a warning) or //Ignore// (the workflow continues).|
====Change property value settings====
Description: Changes the value of the select JSON path (key).
^Setting^ Description ^
|JSON Path|Select the path/key to change the value of.|
|Replace with*|Enter the value to be inserted.|
|The inserted values are dates|Check this option //on// if the values are dates.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
====Add property options====
Description: Adds a new property under the selected Parent node.
^Option^ Description ^
|Parent|Select the node to insert the new property under.|
|Node name*|Enter the name of the new property.|
|Node value*|Enter the value of the new property.|
|The inserted values are dates|Check this option //on// if the values are dates.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
====Delete property options====
Description: Removes a property from the JSON in the selected column.
^Option^ Description ^
|JSON Path|Select the node to remove the property from.|
====Rename property options====
Description: Renames a property in the selected JSON path.
^Option^ Description ^
|JSON Path|Select the path to be renamed.|
|New name|Enter the new name of the selected path.|
====Format JSON options====
Description: Converts the format of the JSON text from a single-cell string to a tree structure, or the reverse.
^Option^ Description ^
|Make readable|This option converts the JSON from a single-cell text value to a more readable nested structure.|
|Minimize size|This option converts the JSON from a nested structure to a single-cell text value.|
Wildcards like "$" (for root node), and "[*]" (for an array) can be used where JSON Paths and nodes need to be selected/entered.
====Change property value====
**Source JSON:**
**Action parameters:**
> JSON Path is "name"
> Replace with "(insert name)"
"name":"(insert name)",
\\ \\
====Add property====
**Source JSON:**
**Action parameters:**
> Parent is "$" (root node)
> Node name is "age"
> Node value is 50
"name":"(insert name)",
\\ \\
====Delete property====
**Source JSON:**
**Action parameters:**
> JSON Path is "id"
"name":"(insert name)",
\\ \\
====Rename property====
**Source JSON:**
**Action parameters:**
> JSON Path is "id"
> Replace with "ident"
"name":"(insert name)",
\\ \\
====Format JSON (Minimize size)====
**Source JSON:**
**Action parameters:**
> "Minimize size"
{"name":"(insert name)","ident":7,"dept":"Accounting"}
\\ \\
===Format JSON (Make readable)===
**Source JSON:**
{"name":"(insert name)","ident" 7,"dept":"Accounting"}
**Action parameters:**
> "Make readable"
===== See also =====
* [[transformations:extractjson|Extract JSON properties]]
* [[transformations:parsejson|Parse JSON]]
* [[transformations:splitjsonarray|Split JSON array]]
* [[syntax:functions:isjson|Functions: IsJson()]]
* [[https://community.easymorph.com/t/example-constructing-json/1279/5|Community example: Constructing JSON]]