{{ transformations:ParseFormSubmissionAction.png}} ======PARSE WEB FORM SUBMISSION====== Category: Transform / Web\\ \\ =====Description===== Parse data in the "x-www-form-urlencoded" format, which is a typical result of a web-form submission on a web page.\\ \\ =====Action settings===== ^Setting^Description^ | Column | The column containing the web-form data to be parsed. | | Keep other columns | If checked, preserves the other columns from the input dataset besides the selected column with web-form data. | \\ =====Examples===== Column "Submission" contains the following data: year=2024&month=July&day=15&city=Montr%C3%A9al \\ **Action parameters:** > Column is "Submission" > The option "Keep other columns" is not checked \\ **Result table:** ^year ^month ^date ^city ^ | 2024|July | 15|Montréal | \\ =====See also===== * [[transformations:parsexml|Parse XML]] * [[transformations:parsejson|Parse JSON]]