{{ transformations:RaiseIssueAction.png}} ====== RAISE ISSUE ====== Category: Workflow / Internal\\ \\ =====Description===== This action creates a new issue in an Explorer board in EasyMorph Server. \\ =====Action settings===== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Board*| Select the Board on an EasyMorph Server to raise the issue on. | * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]]. \\ ====Issue settings==== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Subject*|Enter a subject for the issue being raised. | |Type*| Choose the type of issue being raised. Options: //AR (Action required)//, //FYI (FYI)//, //EVT (Event)//, //RSK (Risk)//, //REQ (Request)//, or //TSK (Task)//. | |State*|Select the current state of the issue. Options: //NOA (No action taken)//, //STA (Started)//, //PRO (In progress)//, //NCP (Nearing completion)//, //DEL (Delayed)//, //DON (Done)//, or //ABN (Abandoned)//. | |Assigned to*|Select the Server user to whom the issue is assigned.| |Description|Enter a detailed description of the issue being raised. Parameters are permitted within the description by using the //Parameterized text editor// (click the Edit... button). | |Unpivot the 1st row and add below description|Check this option //on// to include an unpivoted version of the first row of data below the Description. This simplifies adding numbers, metrics, and calculated values to issue descriptions.| |Due date|Set a completion date for this issue by checking this option //on// and selecting a date. | * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]]. \\ ====Attachment settings==== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Add new attachment|Add one or more attachments to the issue. Options: //Server file// (browse to and select file), //Server folder//\\ (browse to and select folder), //Web link// (and enter URL), //Catalog asset// (choose asset; assign parameters\\ for dynamically computed assets), and //Server task// (select task; assign parameters as needed).| * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]]. \\ ====Option settings==== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Create the issue if|Choose whether EasyMorph will create new issues if one or more issues (created by //this action//) are still open.\\ Options: //No, don't do anything// (new issues are not created), //Yes, always (not recommended)// (always\\ create new issues), or //Yes, if none of the open issue(s) is related to the key below:// (create the issue\\ if open issues don't share the deduplication key, entered below).| |Deduplication key*|Enter a [[https://community.easymorph.com/t/what-is-a-deduplication-key/5440|Deduplication key]], a unique identifier for this action's issues. | * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].