{{ transformations:sendntfymessageaction.png}}
====== SEND A MESSAGE TO NTFY ======
Category: Workflow / App/Cloud\\
This action sends messages to the **[[https://ntfy.sh|ntfy]]** open-source messaging application.
=====Use cases=====
This action can be used to send various notifications and metrics to mobile devices or alert when an event happens (e.g. a metric has exceeded a threshold).
Two message types are possible:
* A parameterized text message generated from a template
* The first row of the active dataset
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*|Select or create a configured ntfy connector (optional).|
|Topic*|Enter the topic name.|
|Priority|Select the message's priority level. Options: //Min//, //Low//, //Default//, //High//, or //Max//.|
|Title*|Check on to enter a title for the message, and enter the title's text.|
|Message contents|Select whether the message body is created from //The first row (unpivoted)// of the input dataset, or //Parameterized text//.|
|Action buttons|Add up to 3 actions buttons to the message.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
====Action button settings====
**Note:** A maximum of 3 buttons may be added to a ntfy message.
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Label*|The text that appears on the button.|
|Action|Select what is triggered when the button is pressed. Options: //Open URL// (and enter the destination URL*), //Android intent// (and select/enter the Intent title* and Extras in JSON) , or //Web request// (and enter the URL*, select the request method, enter any Headers, and enter the request's Body).|
|Clear notification after button is tapped|Check this to clear the notification when the end user presses the button.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:sendemail|Send email]]
* [[transformations:sendpushovermessage|Send message to Pushover]]