{{ transformations:SshCommandAction.png}}
====== SSH COMMAND ======
Category: Workflow / External\\
This action connects to a remote computer using SSH and executes one or more specified commands in the same SSH session.
The commands can have [[:parameters|EasyMorph parameters]] inserted, or entirely calculated using [[syntax:start|expressions]].
=====Use cases=====
* The action can be used to trigger an external application before collecting files generated by it.
* This action can also be used to obtain a list of files on a remote computer.
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*|Select or create a connector to the remote computer.|
|Commands*|Enter one or more SSH commands. Commands can be static text (parameters supported) or fully calculated\\ (using the Expression Editor).|
|Halt if exit code is not 0|Check this to stop the workflow and display an error if the SSH session returns a non-0 exit code.|
|Capture output|Check this to have EasyMorph capture the output from the SSH session as a dataset.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:filetransfer|File transfer]]