{{ transformations:teamsbotaction.png}}
====== TEAMS BOT ======
Category: Workflow / App/Cloud\\
This action sends notifications to channels in Microsoft Teams.
Note: Messages can be either plain text or [[https://adaptivecards.io|Adaptive Cards]] (which can be richly formatted and contain hyperlinks, images, buttons, bulleted lists, and much more.)
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Connector*|Select or create a configured Teams Bot connector.|
|Channel*|Enter or select the Channel to post the message to.|
|Message content type|Select the message content type. Options: //Plain text// or //Custom [[https://adaptivecards.io|Adaptive Card]] JSON//. Enter the message text in the field. Use the "Edit..." button to open the //Parameterized Text Editor// to incorporate parameters, file or folder paths, etc. into the message text.|
This action cannot send messages into private chats, only to channels.
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:slackbot|Slack Bot]]