{{ transformations:XsltAction.png}}
====== XSLT ======
Category: Workflow / External\\
This action is intended for modification of XML files and converting them into text files using XSLT ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSLT|Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations]]).
The action applies XSL stylesheets directly to the target file. The current in-memory dataset is not affected.
=====Use cases=====
With the help of XSL stylesheets, you can insert, delete and modify XML elements and attributes, change the structure of XML files.
=====Action settings=====
^ Setting ^ Description ^
|Input file*|Enter or browse to the source XML file. |
|Output file*|Enter or browse to the final, transformed filename.|
|Use indentation for better readability|When checked, the structure within the output file will include indents to improve legibility.|
|Start attributes from new line| ??? |
|Omit XML declaration| ??? |
|Conformance|Options: //Auto//, //Fragment//, or //Document//.|
|XSLT stylesheet*|Enter the XLST stylesheet used to transform the source input file. In-text parameters are supported.|
* Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\
=====Community examples=====
* [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1755/9|Easymorph 4.3 : Tableau Hyper Addon logs]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/22W0a67rOyb81dAD8zNmISfuMDK.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Create metadata file//; Action position: //6//)
=====See also=====
* [[transformations:exportxml|Export to XML]]
* [[transformations:importxml|Import XML file]]
* [[transformations:parsexml|Parse XML]]