{{ transformations:ImportPlainTextAction.png}} ======IMPORT PLAIN TEXT====== Category: Import / File\\ \\ =====Description===== Import a text file without parsing, as is, into a single column.\\ \\ =====Use cases===== Most frequently, the action is used to process text files in a format not natively supported by EasyMorph.\\ \\ =====Action settings===== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Load file*| Fully-qualified file name of the text file (includes relative or absolute path). | |Encoding|ASCII, ANSI (with code page), and other types of encoding. If you're not sure what to choose, try UTF-8 as it's\\ the most common Unicode encoding.| |Column name|The name to assign the input column.| |Mode|Define whether to import each line as a new row or import all file contents into a single cell. See //Mode settings// below.| * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].\\ \\ ====Mode settings==== ^Setting^Description^ |Import every line as a new row|Each line in the incoming file is imported to a new row.| |Import the entire file as one cell|The entire contents of the incoming file are imported to a single cell. See //Notes// below.| \\ =====Remarks===== A text cell value in EasyMorph can be up to 2GBs. The last linebreak is ignored.\\ This action can import multiple files. See [[import:fileimportmodes|Importing Multiple Files]] for more information.\\ \\ =====Community examples===== * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//2585/4|EDI Import issues]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/kQpCUtaVlZ527ZcTvuJ4DdBZV8i.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Group 1//; Table: //Prod199_2877_ni_llp_23032021030001 - Copy.txt//;\\ Action position: //1//) \\ =====Shortcuts===== Fast ways to create the action: * Press the "Add data" menu button. Pick "Import file" or "Import multiple files". \\ ===== See also ===== * [[transformations:importtext|Import from delimited text file]] * [[transformations:importfixedwidthtext|Import fixed width text file]] * [[transformations:exportplaintext|Export plain text]]