{{ transformations:ImportSalesforceAction.png}} ====== IMPORT FROM SALESFORCE====== Category: Import / App/Cloud\\ \\ =====Description===== This action imports rows from a Salesforce object and, optionally, its child/parent objects. \\ ===== Action settings ===== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Connector*| Select a configured Salesforce connector.| |Mode|Select whether to use a "no-code", settings-based configuration of the action, or a provided custom SOQL(({{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.soql_sosl.meta/soql_sosl/sforce_api_calls_soql.htm|Salesforce Object Query Language}})) string. Options: //no-code// or //Custom SOQL//.| * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]]. \\ ====No-code settings==== ^ Setting ^ Description ^ |Object*|Enter, or use the "Pick" button to browse through and select, the Salesforce object to retrieve data from. | |Filter|Select this option and use the "Edit WHERE clause…" button to enter an SOQL-based WHERE clause to filter the\\ results by. | |Only first objects*|Select this and enter the maximum number of data objects to return.| |Fields|Use the "Add fields" button to select child and/or parent fields of the //Object// selected above to retrieve data from.\\ Use the "Remove all" button to clear the //Fields// list.| * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]] or the first value of a column. \\ ====Custom SOQL==== After selecting this option, enter an SOQL-based query statement in the text box below it, or use the "Edit…" button to open the larger "Parameterized text editor" to create SOQL statements integrating EasyMorph parameters. \\ =====Shortcuts===== Fast ways to create the action: * Press the "Add data" menu button and select "Fetch from cloud/application". \\ =====See also===== *[[transformations:exportsalesforce|Export to Salesforce]] *[[transformations:salesforcecommand|Update/delete records in Salesforce]]