{{ transformations:SortAction.png}} ====== SORT ====== Category: Transform / Basic\\ \\ =====Description===== This action sorts the table by one or more columns in ascending or descending order. Order of the columns matters. Since the values of a column can be of mixed types, the sorting order depends on the value type. For ascending sorting, the order is the following: * Errors * Empty cells * Boolean values * Text * Numbers In descending order, the sorting order is the reverse.\\ \\ =====Use cases===== *To find the least/greatest amounts in a column. (numeric) *To create an alphabetized list. (text) *To establish a date-time ordered list. (date) *To discover errors in a column by grouping them at the top/bottom of the column. (error) \\ =====Action settings===== ^Setting^Description^ |Columns|Select the column to arrange the values of. | |Sort order|Options: //Ascending// and //Descending//. This setting determines the order of the sort for the selected column.| Additional columns can be added to the sorting criteria by clicking the //Sort by more columns// option.\\ \\ =====Examples===== **Example 1 (single-column sort):** Arrange the rivers in alphabetical order. **Source table:** The longest rivers in the world ^River ^Length (km) ^Continent ^ | Nile | 6650|Africa | | Amazon | 6400|South America | | Yangtze | 6300|Asia | | Mississippi | 6275|North America | | Yenisei | 5539|Asia | | Yellow River | 5464|Asia | | Ob | 5410|Asia | | ParanĂ¡ | 4880|South America | \\ **Action parameters:** > Column: River > Sorting order: Ascending \\ **Result table:** ^River ^Length (km) ^Continent ^ | Amazon | 6400|South America | | Mississippi | 6275|North America | | Nile | 6650|Africa | | Ob | 5410|Asia | | ParanĂ¡ | 4880|South America | | Yangtze | 6300|Asia | | Yellow River | 5464|Asia | | Yenisei | 5539|Asia | \\ \\ **Example 2 (two-column sort):** Arrange values in ascending order by Continent, then River (using the source table above).\\ \\ **Action parameters:** > Column, Sorting order: Continent, ascending > Column, Sorting order: River, ascending \\ **Result table:** ^River ^Length (km) ^Continent ^ | Nile | 6650|Africa | | Ob | 5410|Asia | | Yangtze | 6300|Asia | | Yellow River | 5464|Asia | | Yenisei | 5539|Asia | | Mississippi | 6275|North America | | Amazon | 6400|South America | | ParanĂ¡ | 4880|South America | \\ ====Community examples==== * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//675/5|Compare two Excel sheets with EasyMorph]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/xQLWtAogCqcMrglyfXLKmrAF7aR.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Compare data//; Table: //Mismatching rows//;\\ Action position: //4//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1865/4|Dynamical generating of path based on previous step]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/70xVAnShgK4EiXuSa4HgMJtFAM2.morph|Project]]; Module: //Import and send//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Create XML//;\\ Action position: //4//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//2017/3|Duplicating rows based on a condition]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/blETeOO6qUVzskyO2eYqMiNvjPP.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Table 1 (2)//; Action position: //9//) \\ =====Shortcuts===== Fast ways to create the action:\\ *Right-click on the heading of the column to sort and select "Sort". *To sort by multiple columns, select the columns included in the sort. Right-click on one of the selected column headings and select "Sort". Columns will be sorted in left-to-right column order.