{{ transformations:TrimTableAction.png}} ====== TRIM TABLE ====== Category: Transform / Filters\\ \\ =====Description===== This action keeps or removes the first or last N rows.\\ \\ =====Use cases===== Keep only the top N significant items (e.g. top 10 products by sales volume) for a report or dashboard. Reduce the size of a larger dataset to a specific number of rows during the initial build of a workflow. Remove or disable the //Trim table// action when the workflow is complete, to process the entire dataset. Remove extraneous metadata from the top or bottom of a dataset.\\ \\ =====Action settings===== ^Setting ^Description ^ |Keep only/Remove|Select whether N number of rows will be kept or removed.| |Top/Bottom|Select whether the rows at the top or bottom of the table will be kept/removed.| |N rows*|Enter/Select the number of rows to keep/remove.| * Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]]. \\ =====Examples===== **Example:** Keep the top three longest rivers.\\ \\ **Table:** The longest rivers in the world (in descending order by length) ^River ^Length (km) ^Continent ^ | Nile | 6650|Africa | | Amazon | 6400|South America | | Yangtze | 6300|Asia | | Mississippi | 6275|North America | | Yenisei | 5539|Asia | | Yellow River | 5464|Asia | | Ob | 5410|Asia | | ParanĂ¡ | 4880|South America | \\ **Action parameters:** > Keep or Remove is "Keep" > Top or Bottom is "Top" > Number of rows is "3" \\ **Result table:** ^River ^Length (km) ^Continent ^ | Nile | 6650|Africa | | Amazon | 6400|South America | | Yangtze | 6300|Asia | \\ ====Community examples==== * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1312/2|A way to obtain all positions of a char in text]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/2lIBiIZXyCaizzyOl1nTkfleYfL.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Table 2//; Action position: //3//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1870/4|Send email - Add table extract to outlook email message]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/xnfDuDCTN6iJgA4pEcQQsRIZET3.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Input dataset with prepended headers row//; Action position: //2//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//1972/2|Read Data with two line header]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/4YFQxslIv3pmgtF2eRywf4wpcFQ.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Tab 1//; Table: //Read, Mark groups//; Action position: //2//) * [[https://community.easymorph.com/t//2185/4|Transform parsed JSON to right format]] ([[https://community.easymorph.com/uploads/short-url/z1JsbbyueYletNwNg1VlSef2C4C.morph|Project]]; Module: //Main//; Group: //Group 1//; Table: //Imported table 1.dset//; Action position: //4//) \\ =====See also===== * [[transformations:keepremovematching|Keep/remove matching]] * [[transformations:trimbycondition|Trim table by condition]]