Specifies the parameters required to connect to a generic IMTP/SMTP email account.
Name: Provide a name for the email connector.
Note: Provide any notes regarding the connector (optional).
Documentation… Will allow you to enter a URL and Label for connector information. (optional)
Preset: Options: Gmail or Hotmail/Outlook. Selecting either preset will populate the IMAP and SMTP tabs with the default settings for this service.
Setting | Description |
Email (account) | Enter the email address of the account. |
Domain | (Optional) Enter an account domain if one is used. |
Password | Enter the password to the email account. |
Sender's email | By default, is option is set to use the email account entered under "Email (account)", above. If a different account is to be used for sending emails, select the "Other" option and enter the sending email address. Options: The same as account or Other (and enter alternate email address). |
Setting | Description |
IMAP server address | Enter the address of the incoming IMAP mail server. |
Encryption | Select the encryption method used. Options: None, SSL, or TLS. |
IMAP port | Enter the IMAP port number used. |
Setting | Description |
SMTP server address | Enter the address of the outgoing SMTP mail server. |
Encryption | Select the encryption method used. Options: None, SSL, or TLS. |
SMTP port | Enter the SMTP port number used. |
Max size of all attachments | Select the maximum size (in MBs) of all attachments to an individual email. Selecting Not specified will allow all attachments, regardless of total size, although the email service itself may impose a total size restriction. |
Once all values are populated, click the Test button to confirm the connection is functioning.