Table of Contents



Specifies the parameters required to connect to an Amazon S3 account.

Name: Provide a name for the Amazon S3 connector.
Note: Provide any notes regarding the connector (optional).
Documentation… Will allow you to enter a URL and Label for connector information. (optional)

Connector settings

Connection settings

Access key ID Enter the Access key ID for the account.
Secret access key Enter the Secret access key for the account.
Delete incomplete multipart
uploads older than 7 days
Check this on to remove uploads that were not successfully completed and are past 7 days old.
RegionSelect your region from the list, or select Always autodetect to determine the best region to connect to.
Default bucketEnter the name of the default bucket.

Advanced settings

Use session tokenCheck this on to use a session token and enter the token text in the field that appears.

Proxy settings

Use proxyCheck this on to use a proxy to connect through. Enter the Proxy host, select the Proxy port, and enter the
Login and Password for the proxy.

Once the values above are populated, click the Test button to confirm the connector is functioning properly.

Required permissions

Required permissions depend on the commands you are planning to use. Below is the list of the required permissions for specific actions:

s3:ListAllMyBucketsList all the available buckets;
s3:ListBucketList file, list folders, download folder;
s3:GetObjectDownload file, download folder;
s3:PutObjectUpload file, upload folder, create folder;
s3:DeleteObjectDelete file, delete folder;
s3:GetBucketLocationFor the bucket region autodetection to work (as an alternative, you can specify the region manually in the connector settings);
s3:AbortMultipartUpload and
For the "Delete incomplete multipart uploads feature" to work.