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Specifies the parameters required to configure an SSH (Secure Shell) connection.

Name: Provide a name for the SSH connector.
Note: Provide any notes regarding the connector (optional).
Documentation… Will allow you to enter a URL and Label for connector information. (optional)

Connector settings

Connection settings

Setting Description
Host Enter the URL to the SSH host.
Port Enter or select the port number to connect through.
Not allowed in the SSH Command action Check on to prevent the "SSH Command" action from using this connector.
Do not reuse session Check this on to prevent reuse of the current session (session is killed and a new session is created).

Authentication settings

Setting Description
Login Enter the connection's login name.
Allow password authorization Check this on and enter a password to allow authorization by password.
Allow private key authorization Check this on or allow authorization by private key. Upload your private keyfile (Private key) and
enter the passphrase (Passphrase).

Proxy settings

Setting Description
Use proxy Check this option on to use a proxy, and enter the proxy settings (below).
Proxy type Select the type of proxy. Options: Socks4, Socks5, or HTTP.
Proxy host Enter the URL to the proxy host.
Proxy port Enter the port number to connect through.
Login Enter the proxy login name.
Password Enter the proxy login password.

Once these values are populated, click the Test button to confirm the connection is functioning.

connectors/ssh.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/29 19:35 by craigt

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