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Left(text, no_of_chars)

Category: Text function


This function returns the specified number of symbols from the left of text as a text value.


textTextAny text value (in single or double quotes), or other value that can be implicitly converted to text if required.
no_of_charsIntegerThe number of symbols returned from the left side of the text argument.

Return value type: Text


Regardless of the type of value passed in for text, the result of this function is always a text value.

Numbers and equations can be used as the text argument and are implicitly converted to their text-equivalent. When passing in an equation for text, no_of_chars number of symbols from the equation's result will be returned.

Passing in a date value (#yyyy-MM-dd) will return no_of_chars number of symbols from the converted date serial value. See the examples below.


left('Los Angeles', 3) = 'Los'
left('IT services', 2) = 'IT'
left(12345, 3) = '123'  //Note, the numeric value of 12345 was passed in.  The result is a text value.
left(#2021-10-21, 3) = '444'  //2021-10-21 is 44490 as a converted date serial value, so '444' is returned.
left(100*3, 1) = '3'  //The result of 100 * 3 = 300, so the '3' is returned as the single leftmost character.

See also

syntax/functions/left.1627447917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/28 00:51 by craigt

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