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Max(number1, number2)

Category: Number function


This function returns the largest of two numbers.


number1NumberThe value to be compared to number2.
number2NumberThe value to be compared to number1.

Return value type: Number


Use nested Max() functions to compare more than two values at a time. See the last two examples below.


max(10, 20) = 20
max(171, 238) = 238
max(1, -1) = 1
max(max(8,4),12) = 12  //Returns the max of the 3 values 8, 4, and 12.
max(max(10, 40), max(25, 75)) = 75  //Returns the max of the 4 values 10, 40, 25, and 75.

See also

syntax/functions/max.1627783615.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/31 22:06 by craigt

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