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Remove(text, integer, integer)

Category: Text function


This function removes a specified number of characters, from a specified starting point, within a text string.


Pos Type Description
1st textAny text string or value that can implicitly be converted to text.
2nd integerThe Nth position of the first character in text to start removing from. The minimum value is 1.
3rd integerThe number of characters to remove.

Return value type



All three arguments must be supplied or a warning applies in each row of the column.

If N_start is a position past the end of the text, nothing is removed.

If N_chars exceeds the number of characters that can be removed, all characters from N_start to the end of text will be removed.


remove('27.03.2015', 6, 5)  =  '27.03'
remove('27.03.2015', 7, 2)  =  '27.03.15'
remove('Mrs. Smith", 3, 1) = 'Mr. Smith'
remove(1203, 2, 2) = '13'
remove((10*10), 1, 1) = '00'  (removes the first single character from '100')
remove('Alexander', 12, 2) = 'Alexander'  (N_start is past the end of the text - nothing is removed)
remove('Scott', 4, 4) = 'Sco'  (N_chars extends past the end of text; only available characters are removed)

See also

syntax/functions/remove.1626896126.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/21 15:35 by dmitry

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