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Remove(text, start_pos, no_of_chars)

Category: Text function


This function removes a specified number of characters, from a specified starting point, within a text string.


Argument Type Description
text TextAny text string or value that can implicitly be converted to text.
start_pos Integer greater than 0The Nth position of the first character in text to start removing from. The minimum value is 1.
no_of_chars Integer greater than 0 The number of characters to remove.

Return value type



All three arguments must be supplied or a warning applies in each row of the column.

If N_start is a position past the end of the text, nothing is removed.

If N_chars exceeds the number of characters that can be removed, all characters from N_start to the end of text will be removed.


remove('27.03.2015', 6, 5)  =  '27.03'
remove('27.03.2015', 7, 2)  =  '27.03.15'
remove('Mrs. Smith", 3, 1) = 'Mr. Smith'
remove(1203, 2, 2) = '13'
remove((10*10), 1, 1) = '00'  (removes the first single character from '100')
remove('Alexander', 12, 2) = 'Alexander'  (N_start is past the end of the text - nothing is removed)
remove('Scott', 4, 4) = 'Sco'  (N_chars extends past the end of text; only available characters are removed)

See also

syntax/functions/remove.1626896254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/21 15:37 by dmitry

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