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Workdays(from_date, to_date)

Category: Date and Time function


This function returns the number of workdays (i.e. all days except Saturday and Sunday) between from_date and to_date. Both date boundaries are inclusive.


from_dateDate or Number (date serial)An expression representing the first date value to derive the number of workdays from.
to_dateDate or Number (date serial)An expression representing the second date value to derive the number of workdays from.

Return value type: Number


The from_date and to_date arguments can take any value or expression that evaluates to a date serial value. Examples include:

  • A date string: #2019-12-12
  • A date serial value: 43811 (the date serial for "2019-12-12")
  • A date value created using any of the Date/Time functions that returns a date serial value.


workdays(#2020-05-01,#2020-05-20)  //Returns 14
workdays(#2019-01-01,#2019-12-31)  //Returns 261 (The number of workdays in a non-leap-year year.)
workdays(#2005-12-17, #2005-12-18)  //Returns 0 (The 17th is a Sat and the 18th is a Sun.)
syntax/functions/workdays.1631329669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/10 23:07 by craigt

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