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transformations:raiseissue [2024/08/18 18:40] – created craigttransformations:raiseissue [2024/10/23 17:47] (current) – [Issue settings] add Unpivot 1st row option craigt
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 |State<sup>*</sup>|Select the current state of the issue.  Options: //NOA (No action taken)//, //STA (Started)//, //PRO (In progress)//, //NCP (Nearing completion)//, //DEL (Delayed)//, //DON (Done)//, or //ABN (Abandoned)//. | |State<sup>*</sup>|Select the current state of the issue.  Options: //NOA (No action taken)//, //STA (Started)//, //PRO (In progress)//, //NCP (Nearing completion)//, //DEL (Delayed)//, //DON (Done)//, or //ABN (Abandoned)//. |
 |Description|Enter a detailed description of the issue being raised.  Parameters are permitted within the description by using the //Parameterized text editor// (click the Edit... button).  | |Description|Enter a detailed description of the issue being raised.  Parameters are permitted within the description by using the //Parameterized text editor// (click the Edit... button).  |
 +|Unpivot the 1st row and add below description|Check this option //on// to include an unpivoted version of the first row of data below the Description. This simplifies adding numbers, metrics, and calculated values to issue descriptions.|
 |Due date|Set a completion date for this issue by checking this option //on// and selecting a date.  | |Due date|Set a completion date for this issue by checking this option //on// and selecting a date.  |
 <sup>*</sup> Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]]. <sup>*</sup> Setting can be specified using a [[:parameters|parameter]].
transformations/raiseissue.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/23 17:47 by craigt

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