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Returns system values. They keyword must be a text constant. Reference to a field or parameter not allowed.

Currently supported keywords:

Keyword Result
projectpath The full path to the current project including file name.
projectfilename Current project’s file name only.
programpath The full path to morph.exe.
currentpath The working directory.
user The current Windows user.
callerpath The full path of the calling project 1) including file name.
utcoffset The UTC offset to the system time zone ( e.g. "-04:00:00").


Example Result
system('projectfilepath') C:\Documents\myproject.morph

See also

The calling project is the project that contains the Call or Iterate transformation that called the current project
syntax/functions/system.1503185213.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/19 19:26 by dmitry

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