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(Category: Import | File)


This action imports a dataset (tabular data) from a file in the native EasyMorph format (.dset). This format allows very fast loading data into EasyMorph as there is no data conversion.

One .dset file contains one dataset.

Action settings

Setting Description
Import from Select whether the .dset file is Local file (on your system) or stored on an EasyMorph Server.
Local file settings
Load file Fully-qualified file name of the dataset (includes relative or absolute path).
Password Provide the password to open the dataset, if required.
Load all columns Select if all columns are to be loaded.
Load only selected columns Select if only select columns are to be loaded. A drop-list will appear to select the columns you wish to import.
EasyMorph Server file settings
Link to ServerSelect to use the pre-configured link to an EasyMorph Server. (Use the Start screen to configure the Server Link if you haven't already done so.
ConnectorSelect the pre-configured connector to the EasyMorph Server.
PathFully-qualified filename of the dataset.
Password Provide the password to open the dataset, if required.

Importing Multiple Files

This action can import multiple files. See Importing Multiple Files for more information.

See Also

transformations/importdataset.1614900514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/04 18:28 by craigt

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