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Category: Export / File


Export the contents of a column into a text file, as is. Each column value is exported as text into one line of the file.

Use cases

Most frequently, this action is used to create text files in a format not natively supported by EasyMorph.

Action settings

Setting Description
File*Enter a fully-qualified file name for the output file (includes relative or absolute path).
Column Select the column to export into the target text file.
DecimalSelect the character used within numeric values to define decimal places. Options: Point or Comma.
Export modeChoose whether the action will create a new file or append to an existing file. Options: Create new file or Append to file (or create) (appends to the file if it already exists, or creates the file if it doesn't exist).
File already existsIf a file with the same name already exists, choose whether to overwrite the existing file, rename the
existing file, or halt the action's execution. See the "File already exists options" table below for details.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

File already exists options

Option Description
OverwriteThe new file replaces the original file.
RenameThe original file will be renamed with "backup" and a serial number appended to the file name. The new file will
possess the name specified in the File setting.
Halt project executionThe project will stop processing and this action will display a warning symbol.

Advanced options

Setting Description
EncodingSelect the encoding format to use for the exported file. If you're not sure what to choose, try UTF-8 as it's
the most common Unicode encoding.
Don't write BOMWhen checked, the byte order mark is not written to the output file. See Wikipedia - Byte order mark for details.
Wrap in quotesSelect which values are wrapped in quotation marks in the export file. See the table below for details.
Don't write column headersColumn headings are not written into the exported file.
Preserve formatting Export number values (including dates) using the currently selected column format.

Wrap in quotes options

Option Description
AutoOnly values that contain the chosen separator or a line break, or numeric values data-typed as text, will be wrapped in double-quotes. Other value types will not be.
EverythingAll values will be wrapped in double-quotes.
NothingNo values will be wrapped in double quotes, even if they contain spaces, separators, or line breaks. Use this option with care.

Community examples

See also