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Category: Transform / Advanced


This action fills the empty cells across columns, within rows, by duplicating the value of the last non-empty cell to the left of the empty ones. The cells are filled rightward.

Use cases

The most frequent use case for this action is dealing with merged cells within imported Excel spreadsheets.

Action settings

Setting Description
Row number*Enter the row to fill the blank cells in.
Ignore columnsSelect the column(s) where values with not be filled across in.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.


Blank cells are populated starting from the left and moving rightward across the row. The value from the cell to the left is used to fill in each blank cell.


Example #1

Fill in the blank heading cells from an imported Excel pivottable.

Before (source table)

Column Column(2) Column(3) Column(4) Column(5) Column(6)
Canada France Spain
Quebec Montreal Ontario Paris Barcelona Madrid

After (result table)

Column Column(2) Column(3) Column(4) Column(5) Column(6)
Canada Canada Canada France Spain Spain
Quebec Montreal Ontario Paris Barcelona Madrid

Action parameters

Row number: 1
Ignore columns: None selected

See also

transformations/fillright.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/12 16:10 by craigt

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