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Category: Import / File


This action loads data or metadata from a Qlik .qvd file.

Action settings

Setting Description
Load file*Fully-qualified file name of the Qlik .qvd data file (includes relative or absolute path).
ModeSelect which data is retrieved from the .qvd file. Options: Import data or Import metadata.

Import data settings

Setting Description
Load only first*Check this option to limit the imported data to the first N rows (and enter or select the number of rows).
Load all columnsThis option imports all columns in the file.
Load only selected columnsThis option allows you to select which columns to import. A list of columns found in the .qvd file will be
presented for you to select.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Import metadata settings

Setting Description
File metadataCheck this to include metadata columns relevant to the .qvd file. Columns include: Created by, Modified (date), Column (count), Rows (count), File size, and Comment.
Column metadataCheck this to include column-specific metadata. Columns include: Field name, Unique values (count of), Is unique (T/F), Tags, Type, Format, and others.


Floating point values from .qvd files are converted into numbers with fixed decimal point in EasyMorph.

This action can import multiple files. See Importing Multiple Files for more information.

The structure of a QVD file is close to the internal data structure in EasyMorph. Therefore, reading QVD files in EasyMorph is very fast.


Fast ways to create the action:

  • Press the "Add data" menu button. Pick "Import file" or "Import multiple files".
  • Drag a Qlik file into the application window. Supported file extensions: .qvd
  • Drag a folder with Qlik files into the application window.

See also

transformations/importqlikview.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/12 00:11 by craigt

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