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Category: Workflow / Internal


This action creates a new issue in an Explorer board in EasyMorph Server.

Action settings

Setting Description
Board* Select the Board on an EasyMorph Server to raise the issue on.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Issue settings

Setting Description
Subject*Enter a subject for the issue being raised.
Type* Choose the type of issue being raised. Options: AR (Action required), FYI (FYI), EVT (Event), RSK (Risk), REQ (Request), or TSK (Task).
State*Select the current state of the issue. Options: NOA (No action taken), STA (Started), PRO (In progress), NCP (Nearing completion), DEL (Delayed), DON (Done), or ABN (Abandoned).
DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the issue being raised. Parameters are permitted within the description by using the Parameterized text editor (click the Edit… button).
Due dateSet a completion date for this issue by checking this option on and selecting a date.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Attachment settings

Setting Description
Add new attachmentAdd one or more attachments to the issue. Options: Server file (browse to and select file), Server folder
(browse to and select folder), Web link (and enter URL), Catalog asset (choose asset; assign parameters
for dynamically computed assets), and Server task (select task; assign parameters as needed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Option settings

Setting Description
Create the issue ifChoose whether EasyMorph will create new issues if one or more issues (created by this action) are still open.
Options: No, don't do anything (new issues are not created), Yes, always (not recommended) (always
create new issues), or Yes, if none of the open issue(s) is related to the key below: (create the issue
if open issues don't share the deduplication key, entered below).
Deduplication key*Enter a Deduplication key, a unique identifier for this action's issues.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

transformations/raiseissue.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/18 18:40 by craigt

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