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Category: Workflow / Internal


This action creates a new issue in an Explorer board in EasyMorph Server.

Action settings

Setting Description
Board* Select the Board on an EasyMorph Server to raise the issue on.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Issue settings

Setting Description
Subject*Enter a subject for the issue being raised.
Type* Choose the type of issue being raised. Options: AR (Action required), FYI (FYI), EVT (Event), RSK (Risk), REQ (Request), or TSK (Task).
State*Select the current state of the issue. Options: NOA (No action taken), STA (Started), PRO (In progress), NCP (Nearing completion), DEL (Delayed), DON (Done), or ABN (Abandoned).
Assigned to*Select the Server user to whom the issue is assigned.
DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the issue being raised. Parameters are permitted within the description by using the Parameterized text editor (click the Edit… button).
Unpivot the 1st row and add below descriptionCheck this option on to include an unpivoted version of the first row of data below the Description. This simplifies adding numbers, metrics, and calculated values to issue descriptions.
Due dateSet a completion date for this issue by checking this option on and selecting a date.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Attachment settings

Setting Description
Add new attachmentAdd one or more attachments to the issue. Options: Server file (browse to and select file), Server folder
(browse to and select folder), Web link (and enter URL), Catalog asset (choose asset; assign parameters
for dynamically computed assets), and Server task (select task; assign parameters as needed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Option settings

Setting Description
Create the issue ifChoose whether EasyMorph will create new issues if one or more issues (created by this action) are still open.
Options: No, don't do anything (new issues are not created), Yes, always (not recommended) (always
create new issues), or Yes, if none of the open issue(s) is related to the key below: (create the issue
if open issues don't share the deduplication key, entered below).
Deduplication key*Enter a Deduplication key, a unique identifier for this action's issues.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

transformations/raiseissue.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/01 16:07 by craigt

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