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Category: Transform / Basic


This action keeps or removes selected columns. Several columns can be kept or removed within a single action. The action's icon will depict whether this action is in "Keep" or "Remove" mode.

Use cases

  • Keep columns: Useful for keeping only the selected column(s) regardless of other columns being added or deleted upstream.
  • Delete columns: Useful for removing columns that are unnecessary for downstream processing. Removing unneeded columns early in the process lowers the computational load on the workflow/system.

Action settings

Mode options

Setting Description
Keep selected columnsThe chosen columns are kept and all other columns are removed from the dataset.
Remove selected columnsThe chosen columns are removed. You are unable to remove all columns from a dataset.
Fail if selected column(s) not foundCheck this option on to stop the workflow with a failure if the selected column(s) is/are not in the dataset.


A list of columns found in the current dataset is presented to select which columns to keep or remove.


Example #1

Remove the column "Continent".

Before (source table)

River Length (km) Continent
Nile 6650Africa
Amazon 6400South America
Yangtze 6300Asia
Mississippi 6275North America

After (result table)

River Length (km)
Nile 6650
Amazon 6400
Yangtze 6300
Mississippi 6275

Action parameters:

Columns to remove: Continent

Example #2

Keep only the "River" and "Continent" columns - remove all others.

Before (source table)

River Length (km) Continent
Nile 6650Africa
Amazon 6400South America
Yangtze 6300Asia
Mississippi 6275North America

After (result table)

River Continent
Nile Africa
Amazon South America
Yangtze Asia
Mississippi North America

Action parameters:

Columns to keep: River, Continent

Community examples


Fast ways to create the action:

Remove columns:

  • Right-click on the column heading and select Remove column from the context menu.
  • Click the drop-down arrow in the column heading and select Remove column from the context menu.
  • You can remove multiple columns by first selecting the columns to remove, then choosing Remove (#) columnsfrom the context menu.

Keep columns:

  • Right-click on the column heading and select Select column from the context menu.
  • Click the drop-down arrow in the column heading and select Select column from the context menu.
  • You can keep multiple columns by first selecting the columns to keep, then choosing Select (#) columns from the context menu.

See also

transformations/keepremovecolumns.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/11 17:45 by craigt

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