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Category: Transform / Filters


This action keeps or removes the first or last N rows.

Use cases

Keep only the top N significant items (e.g. top 10 products by sales volume) for a report or dashboard.

Reduce the size of a larger dataset to a specific number of rows during the initial build of a workflow. Remove or disable the Trim table action when the workflow is complete, to process the entire dataset.

Remove extraneous metadata from the top or bottom of a dataset.

Action settings

Setting Description
Keep only/RemoveSelect whether N number of rows will be kept or removed.
Top/BottomSelect whether the rows at the top or bottom of the table will be kept/removed.
N rows*Enter/Select the number of rows to keep/remove.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.


Objective: Keep the top three longest rivers.

Table: The longest rivers in the world (in descending order by length)

River Length (km) Continent
Nile 6650Africa
Amazon 6400South America
Yangtze 6300Asia
Mississippi 6275North America
Yenisei 5539Asia
Yellow River 5464Asia
Ob 5410Asia
Paraná 4880South America

Action parameters:

Keep or Remove is "Keep"
Top or Bottom is "Top"
Number of rows is "3"


River Length (km) Continent
Nile 6650Africa
Amazon 6400South America
Yangtze 6300Asia

See also

transformations/keeptop.1620845824.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/12 14:57 by dmitry

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