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Category: Workflow / App/Cloud


This action allows interaction with a remote EasyMorph Server using a configured EasyMorph Server connector.


  • Run task
  • Enable/disable task
  • Upload file
  • Download file
  • Delete file
  • List files
  • List folders
  • List tasks
  • Delete folder
  • Create folder
  • Rename folder
  • Rename file
  • Find files recursively

Use cases

The action can be used to interoperate with an EasyMorph Server from Desktop projects. For example, heavy data processing can be offloaded from a low-memory desktop computer to a high-memory Server. In this case, EasyMorph Server Command can be used to upload files to the Server, trigger a Server task that processes them, then download the resulting data from the Server to the local machine.

Use integrations that are set up on the Server, but not available on the local machine. In this case, the action can trigger a Server task that in turn pulls data from an external system, then downloads the data to the local machine.

Action settings

Setting Description
Connector*Select the preconfigured EasyMorph Server connector.
CommandSelect the command this action will perform.
Options: Run task, Enable/disable task, Upload file, Download file, Delete file, List files, List folders, List tasks, Delete folder, Create folder, Rename folder, Rename file, or Find files recursively. See below for details of each command type.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Run task settings

Description: Runs a Server task. Task parameters can be specified in the action properties.

Setting Description
Task*Select the Server task to run. If the task is specified by a parameter, it should be the task ID.
Don't wait for completion…Check this option to continue running the task, ignoring task errors, while the workflow continues.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Enable/disable task settings

Description: Enable or disable an EasyMorph Server task.

Setting Description
TaskSelect the Server task to enable/disable.
ModeSelect whether this action will enable or disable the selected task. Options: Enable task or Disable task.
If the task was enabled/disabledChoose how EasyMorph reacts if the task was already enabled (in "Enable task" mode), or disabled (in "Disable task" mode). Options: Ignore (the workflow continues and no error is displayed) or Fail (the workflow stops and displays an error).

Upload file settings

Description: Upload a local file to a Server space's public folder or its sub-folder.

Setting Description
Local file*Enter or browse to the local file to upload.
Server folder*Enter or browse to the Server folder to upload the file to. Leave this field blank to upload to the root folder.
If a file with such a name already existsSelect how EasyMorph will handle saving the file if a file with the same name exists in the destination folder. Options: Overwrite, Do nothing, or Halt project execution. See the "File already exists" table below.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Download file settings

Description: Download a file from a Server space to a local folder.

Setting Description
Server file*Enter or browse to the file on the Server to be downloaded.
Local folder*Enter or browse to the local folder to download the file to.
If a file with such a name already existsSelect how EasyMorph will handle saving the file if a file with the same name exists in the destination folder. Options: Overwrite, Do nothing, or Halt project execution. See the "File already exists" table below.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Delete file settings

Description: Delete a file from a Server space.

Setting Description
Server file*Enter or browse to the file on the Server to be deleted.
If the file doesn't existSelect how EasyMorph handles situations when the specified file does not exist. Options: Do nothing (nothing
happens, the workflow continues, no error is displayed), or Halt project execution (workflow stops, an error is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

List files settings

Description: Produce a list of files, with selected file properties, in a Server space. Each selected property creates a column in the dataset.

Setting Description
Folder*Select the folder in the Server space to create the file list from. Leave this field blank for the root folder.
ColumnsSelect the details of the found files to be included in the dataset. Each detail produces a column. Options: File name with full path, File name only, File extension, Size, and Date modified.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

List folders settings

Description: Produce a list of subfolders under the selected folder, in a Server space. Each selected property creates a column in the dataset.

Setting Description
Folder*Select the folder in the Server space to create the list of subfolders from. Leave this field blank for the root folder.
ColumnsSelect the details of the found subfolders to be included in the dataset. Each detail produces a column. Options: Folder name with full path, Folder name only, and Date modified.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

List tasks settings

Description: Returns a list of tasks on the EasyMorph Server with a number of attributes such as task ID, project path, annotation, and schedule description. No settings are required for this command.

Delete folder settings

Description: Deletes the selected Server folder.

Setting Description
Server Folder*Select the folder to be deleted.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Create folder settings

Description: Creates a new folder under the selected Parent folder on the EasyMorph Server.

Setting Description
Parent Folder*Select the folder under which the new folder will be created.
Folder name*Enter a name for the new folder.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Rename folder settings

Description: Renames the existing, selected Server folder.

Setting Description
Target Folder*Select the existing folder to change the name of.
New name*Enter a new name for the folder.
If the folder doesn't existSelect how EasyMoprh behaves if the selected Target folder doesn't exist. Options: Do nothing (the folder is not renamed and project execution continues) or Fail (The folder is not renamed, a warning is displayed, and project execution continues.)

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Rename file settings

Description: Renames the existing, selected Server file.

Setting Description
File path*Select the existing file to change the name of.
New name*Enter a new name for the file.
If the file doesn't existSelect how EasyMorph behaves if the selected file doesn't exist. Options: Do nothing (no changes are made and project execution continues) or Halt project execution (The project will stop processing and this action will display an error.)
If a file with the new name already existsSelect how EasyMorph will handle saving the file if a file with the same name exists in the destination folder. Options: Overwrite, Do nothing, or Halt project execution. See the "File already exists" table below.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Find files recursively settings

Description: Builds a list of files in the specified folder and all of its subfolders.

Setting Description
Folder*Select the folder within which to list the files of (including subfolders).
File name contains*Enter any specific text within the target filenames to find. Separate multiple terms with spaces.
File extension(s)*Enter any specific file extensions to find within the filename. Separate multiple terms with spaces.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

File already exists options

Option Description
OverwriteThe new file replaces the original file.
Do nothingNo file is downloaded/uploaded, the workflow does not halt, and no error is displayed.
Halt project executionThe project will stop processing and this action will display an error.

Folder already exists options

Option Description
Do nothingNo change (rename, create, delete) is made to the target folder.
FailThe folder is not renamed, a warning is displayed, and project execution continues.
Halt project executionThe project will stop processing and this action will display an error.
transformations/morphservercommand.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/20 15:09 by craigt

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