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Category: Create / Input


This action creates a temporary table that is typically used for one-time calculations. Sandboxes can be populated with result data of any action, or pasted from the clipboard.

Data in sandboxes survives reloads - contents don't change on partial or full reloads - although it doesn't survive re-opening the project. When a project is opened all of its sandboxes start empty.

Populating a Sandbox with data

Paste dataThis option will paste data that has been copied to the clipboard. Options for headers, delimiters, and decimal
provide fine-tuning of the pasted data.
Import datasetThis option allows for browsing to and selecting an external dataset (.dset file) to populate the Sandbox with.

Creating and Populating a Sandbox from another action

By right-clicking an action that generates output data and selecting Send to sandbox/module > New sandbox, you create a new sandbox populated with the data from the source action. Selecting New sandbox in new group creates a new group and inserts a new sandbox action populated with the data from the source action.

Use cases

Besides ad hoc calculations, sandboxes can be used in a few more cases:

  • Together with Either table transformation Sandbox can be used to safely insert an arbitrary dataset into any point of a transformation chain, which can be useful for debugging and development purposes. In this scenario insert Either table and point its second input to a table created using Sandbox transformation.
  • Sandboxes can be used to create an empty table as a starting point for further transformations. Some transformations (e.g. Run external program might not need an input dataset, but they don't create a table. In this case a generic empty table can be created using Sandbox, and then Run external program can be inserted after it.

See also

transformations/sandbox.1616202296.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/19 21:04 by craigt

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